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Morning Meeting (Circle Time) – Spatial awareness, Community awareness, Social and Emotional Development

Morning Meeting, or circle time, offers children engaging experiences that introduce and build on educational experiences, as well as learn new social skills.  Participation in the Morning Meeting develops literacy and language skills, introduces math concepts, expands social and emotional development, and more. Circle time is used to help children learn manners, cooperation and patience. The focus of this time is to help children work together and learn the importance of being part of a group.

Core Connections (Learning Time) – Science, Literacy, Math, and Language

During this time, children are introduced to new learning concepts that promote literacy, math skills,  science, and community awareness.

All lessons are designed to engage children and promote a desire and love for learning.  All core lessons are reinforced through exciting and fun art projects that are done independently and in cooperative learning groups.

Enrichment Activities – Movement, Art, Sensory, Music, and More

At iLearn, we promote the child’s ability to express themselves through positive experiences and outlets.  Each day includes movement activities that promote play and a healthy, active lifestyle.  Art and music are incorporated into daily activities.  All children have Center Time, which allows them to reinforce learned skills through games and creative activities.

Additionally, iLearn provides opportunities for children to develop skills through dance, chess, karate, yoga, and more.  Enrichment activities are provided on a daily basis and can be found on your child’s Weekly Activity Calendar, sent home each week.

Home Connections

The parent is a child’s first teacher. Our job at iLearn is to create learning opportunities that children can take with them home and into our wonderful community.  The iLearn Center Daycare will provide many parent connection opportunities that link school to home.  Building a strong family is a priority of iLearn and we look forward to working with our parents to create strong, independent and amazing children who are prepared for school and the life ahead.